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Art and Making of The Dark Knight Trilogy, The Jody Duncan

Art and Making of The Dark Knight Trilogy, The von Jody Duncan

Art and Making of The Dark Knight Trilogy, The Jody Duncan

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Art and Making of The Dark Knight Trilogy, The Zusammenfassung

Art and Making of The Dark Knight Trilogy, The Jody Duncan

In 2005, director Christopher Nolan redefined the Batman legend with Batman Begins, staring Christian Bale as the Gaped Crusader. A fresh, dynamic reboot of the franchise, Batman Begins explored the comic book hero's origins and his evolution from billionaire Bruce Wayne to dark avenger who fights crime and corruption in Gotham City. A 2008 sequel, The Dark Knight, took those compelling character-driven foundations and raised the stakes, pitting Batman against a deranged master criminal, the Joker, in an all-out war for Got ham's soul. Now, the final film of Nolan's trilogy, The Dark Knight Rises, is the summer's most anticipated film release.

Über Jody Duncan

Jody Duncan Jesser has authored hundreds of articles on motion picture technology for Cinefex magazine and has served as the publication's editor since 1992. She is also the author of ten books covering the making of blockbuster films; including The Making of Star Wars Episode i: The Phandom Menace, The Making of Star Wars Episode Attack of the Colnes,' The Making of Terminator 2' and The Making of Jurassic Park.' She also wrote the definitive book on the making of Avatar. Janine Pourroy is the author of several books on television and film, including Behind the Scenes at ER and The Ewan McGregor Story. She has written exclusively for Cinefex magazine covering special and visual effects in film since 1985.

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Art and Making of The Dark Knight Trilogy, The Jody Duncan
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