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Farm Animals: Cow Katie Dicker

Farm Animals: Cow von Katie Dicker

Farm Animals: Cow Katie Dicker

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Charming books that introduce popular animals that you will find on the farm

Farm Animals: Cow Zusammenfassung

Farm Animals: Cow Katie Dicker

Learn all about cows: do you know what they eat? Do you know what they need to be happy on the farm?

These simple, friendly books look at some of the most common farm animals, showing how they live, what they eat, how they are cared for and why they are important to us. Each book takes on animal and explains its life cycle and its place on the farm. Perfect for readers aged 5 and up.

Über Katie Dicker

Katie Dicker is a writer and editor who has worked in publishing for over 15 years. She has a degree in politics and philosophy and specialises in children's educational publishing.


  • 1: My world
  • 1: Changing seasons
  • 1: Top to toe
  • 1: Who looks after us?
  • 1: Time to eat
  • 1: Cows and calves
  • 1: The milking parlour
  • 1: Farm produce
  • 1: Cows around the world
  • 1: Did you know?
  • 1: Useful words
  • 1: Index and websites

Zusätzliche Informationen

Farm Animals: Cow Katie Dicker
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Hachette Children's Group
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