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Heinemann Modular Maths for EDEXCEL AS and A-Level Core Book 3 (C3) Keith Pledger

Heinemann Modular Maths for EDEXCEL AS and A-Level Core Book 3 (C3) von Keith Pledger

Heinemann Modular Maths for EDEXCEL AS and A-Level Core Book 3 (C3) Keith Pledger

Zustand - Wie Neu
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Updated for the 2004 specification, these new Core books are in full colour to ease the transition from GCSE to A Level. Tailor-made for the new specification and written by members of an experienced Senior Examining Team, you can be sure they provide everything students need to succeed.

Heinemann Modular Maths for EDEXCEL AS and A-Level Core Book 3 (C3) Zusammenfassung

Heinemann Modular Maths for EDEXCEL AS and A-Level Core Book 3 (C3) Keith Pledger

Wir haben derzeit keine Zusammenfassung für diesen Artikel.


  1. Algebraic Fractions.
  2. Functions.
  3. The Exponential and log functions.
  4. Numerical methods.
  5. Transforming graphs of functions.
  6. Trigonometry.
  7. Further trigonometric identities and their applications.
  8. Differentiation.
Exam style paper.Formulae you need to know.List of symbols and notation.Answers.Index.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Heinemann Modular Maths for EDEXCEL AS and A-Level Core Book 3 (C3) Keith Pledger
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Pearson Education Limited
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