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20 Ways to Draw Everything Lisa Congdon

20 Ways to Draw Everything von Lisa Congdon

20 Ways to Draw Everything Lisa Congdon

10,49 €
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Serien20 Ways


This awesome sketchbook four volumes of the 20 Ways series and smashes them together into one, massive, how-to guide!

20 Ways to Draw Everything Zusammenfassung

20 Ways to Draw Everything: With 135 Nature Themes from Cats and Tigers to Tulips and Trees Lisa Congdon

Be inspired by this fun compilation sketchbook of four favorite volumes from Quarry Books' 20 Ways series!

Designed to offer artists, designers, and doodlers a fun and sophisticated collection of illustration fun, each spread features 20 inspiring illustrated examples of 135 themes, over 3600 drawings total! From trees and flowers to animals and sea creatures and everything in between. Don't worry, there's tons of room for you to draw your own versions of these amazing doodles right on the pages.

This is not a step-by-step technique book - within the pages you'll find drawings simplified, modernized, and reduced to the most basic elements, showing you how simple abstract shapes and forms create the building blocks of any item that you want to draw. Each of the 20 interpretations provides a different, interesting approach to drawing a single item, providing loads of inspiration for your own drawing. These four artists each have a uniquely creative style, resulting in an engaging and motivational practice book that provides a new take on the world of sketching, doodling, and designing.

Über Lisa Congdon

San Francisco illustrator and fine artist LISA CONGDON, named one of 2015's 40 Women over 40, was raised in both upstate New York and Northern California where she grew to love the trees and animals that surrounded her. That love is now expressed through her paintings and drawings. Lisa is predominantly self taught and did not begin painting until she was 31 years old. She is also a prolific collector of old and unusual things and surrounds herself with these things in her home & studio. In 2010 she chronicled her collections in her Collection A Day 2010 Project. That project is now a book, published in March 2011. In 2012, Lisa engaged in another daily project called 365 Days of Hand Lettering, 100 of her hand lettered quotes from that project published by Chronicle Books in Spring of 2014. Lisa is also the author of 50 Ways to Draw a Tulip, Just Add Color: Folk Art, Just Add Color: Geometric Patterns, and Draw 500 Fabulous Flowers. She was named one of 2015's 40 Women to Watch over 40.


JULIA KUO splits her time between Cleveland, OH, and Taipei. She grew up in Los Angeles, CA, and attended Washington University in St. Louis for illustration and marketing. Julia illustrates children's books, concert posters and CD covers, designs stationery and journals, and paints in her free time. One recent gallery show featured paintings of street fashion shots from Face Hunter. Julia's clients include American Greetings, the New York Times, the Home Shopping Network, Little Brown and Co., Capitol Records, Tiny Prints, and Universal Music Group. Her illustrations have been honored in American Illustration, CMYK magazine, and Creative Quarterly. Visit her online at www.juliakuo.com.

Julia is also the author of the best-selling Quarry book 20 Ways to Draw a Dress and 44 Other Fabulous Fashions and Accessories and 20 Ways to Draw a Cat and 44 Other Awesome Animals.

Zusätzliche Informationen

20 Ways to Draw Everything: With 135 Nature Themes from Cats and Tigers to Tulips and Trees Lisa Congdon
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Quarry Books
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