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How to Carry What Can't Be Fixed Megan Devine

How to Carry What Can't Be Fixed von Megan Devine

How to Carry What Can't Be Fixed Megan Devine

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How to Carry What Can't Be Fixed Zusammenfassung

How to Carry What Can't Be Fixed: A Journal for Grief Megan Devine

A journal for meeting grief with honesty and kindness-honoring loss, rather than packing it away With her breakout book It's OK That You're Not OK, Megan Devine struck a chord with thousands of readers through her honest, validating approach to grief. In her same direct, no-platitudes style, she now offers How to Carry What Can't Be Fixed-a journal filled with unique, creative ways to open a dialogue with grief itself. Being allowed to tell the truth about your grief is an incredibly powerful act, she says, This journal enables you to tell your whole story, without the need to tack on a happy ending where there isn't one. Grief is a natural response to death and loss-it's not a problem to be fixed. This workbook contains no cliches, timetables, or checklists of stages to get through; it won't help you move on or put your loss behind you. Instead, you'll find encouragement, self-care exercises, daily tools, tear-and-share resources to help you educate friends and allies, and prompts to help you honor your pain and heartbreak. Your grief has an intelligence of its own, Devine writes. Let it tell you what it knows. With How to Carry What Can't Be Fixed, this pioneering author brings you an essential resource to help you enter a conversation with your grief, find your own truth, and live into the life you didn't ask for-but is here nonetheless.

Über Megan Devine

Megan Devine, LPC, is an author, speaker, and grief consultant, advocating for emotional change on a cultural level. Since the loss of her partner in 2009, Megan has become the leading voice in the world of grief support. Her animated video How to Help a Grieving Friend has over 24 million views. Her book, It's OK That You're Not OK: Meeting Grief & Loss in a Culture that Doesn't Understand is considered required reading by grievers and professionals alike. For more, visit refugeingrief.com.

Zusätzliche Informationen

How to Carry What Can't Be Fixed: A Journal for Grief Megan Devine
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Sounds True Inc
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