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The Dossier Michael O'Brien

The Dossier von Michael O'Brien

The Dossier Michael O'Brien

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Michael O'Brien was a victim of a miscarriage of justice over a murder in Cardiff. He was driven to discover more about the many notorious and dubious convictions made in south Wales over a period of thirty years. This is the shocking result of his research into fifteen cases, and the Miscarriage of Justice Unit in the South Wales Police Force.

The Dossier Zusammenfassung

The Dossier: Miscarriages of Justice in South Wales 1982-2016 Michael O'Brien

Michael O'Brien was a victim of a miscarriage of justice over a murder in Cardiff. He was driven to discover more about the many notorious and dubious convictions made in south Wales over a period of thirty years. This is the shocking result of his research into eleven cases, and the Miscarriage of Justice Unit in the South Wales Police Force.

Über Michael O'Brien

Michael O'Brien was born and raised in Ely, Cardiff. He is the author of three books on the subject of false imprisonment, and the prison system in the UK, including his autobiography Death of Justice (2008), and Prisons Exposed (2013). O'Brien received the largest payout ever by the police to anyone wrongly convicted in the UK. He has appeared regularly on national television and radio, and has been featured in The Observer, The Times; Sunday People; Daily Telegraph; New Statesman, and Daily Express.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Dossier: Miscarriages of Justice in South Wales 1982-2016 Michael O'Brien
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Poetry Wales Press
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