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Rosslyn Chapel Revealed Michael T R B Turnbull

Rosslyn Chapel Revealed von Michael T R B Turnbull

Rosslyn Chapel Revealed Michael T R B Turnbull

22,99 €
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'Rosslyn Chapel Revealed' offers the reader an increased understanding and respect for one of Europe's finest pre-Reformation buildings.

Rosslyn Chapel Revealed Zusammenfassung

Rosslyn Chapel Revealed Michael T R B Turnbull

Rosslyn Chapel Revealed offers the reader an increased understanding and respect for one of Europe's finest pre-Reformation buildings. Rosslyn Chapel, with its fountains in the world of nature, still points bravely to the heavens. That there is mystery of the esoteric Gnositc variety, available only to the initiated few. Instead, it is knowledge, accessible to all, of the dynamic intertwining of the created world with the impulse towards self-fulfilment. Rosslyn Chapel Revealed shows that the chapel is first and foremost a Christian building, constructed in the traditions of the pre-Reformation Church for the celebration in word, gesture and music of the Divine Office and of the ultimate sacrifice Jesus Christ suffered on his cross for the salvation of the human race. The stunning beauty of the chapel, its unexpected delicacy and the uninhibited humour of its stone carvings, which have drawn visitors in such avid numbers from all over the world, are a tribute to the honesty and validity of the religious experience to be found within its ancient walls, in a breathtaking setting of valley and river that is older than time.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Rosslyn Chapel Revealed Michael T R B Turnbull
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
The History Press Ltd
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