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Creating Visual Narratives Through Photography Mike Davis

Creating Visual Narratives Through Photography von Mike Davis

Creating Visual Narratives Through Photography Mike Davis

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This book provides photographers with the foundation to craft more compelling photos from concept all the way through to creation and distribution.

Creating Visual Narratives Through Photography Zusammenfassung

Creating Visual Narratives Through Photography: A Fresh Approach to Making a Living as a Photographer Mike Davis

- Takes readers from conceptualizing to executing compelling photographs for fully realized visual narratives.

- Provides career advice from a seasoned professional with credits including National Geographic and The White House.

- Includes a series of self-assignments to practice the topics covered.

Über Mike Davis

Mike Davis is a visual consultant, editor, author, photographer and professor emeritus. A visual leader who has worked with hundreds of photographers independently and on multiple staffs, Mike taught visual storytelling courses at Syracuse University and directed The Alexia Grants. He was twice named picture editor of the year and has been on various workshop and review faculty. He has edited more than 40 books.


1. Why Do We Make Pictures? 2. Photography's Means of Expression 3. What You Do From Behind The Camera 4. How To Select And Sequence Your Photos 5. Creating Visual Narratives 6. What It Takes to Make A Living Conclusion: The Inability to Not

Zusätzliche Informationen

Creating Visual Narratives Through Photography: A Fresh Approach to Making a Living as a Photographer Mike Davis
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Taylor & Francis Ltd
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