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Building Node Applications with MongoDB and Backbone Mike Wilson

Building Node Applications with MongoDB and Backbone von Mike Wilson

Building Node Applications with MongoDB and Backbone Mike Wilson

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The enthusiasm behind Node doesn't just reflect the promise of server-side JavaScript. Developers also have the potential to create elegant applications with this open source framework that are much easier to maintain.

Building Node Applications with MongoDB and Backbone Zusammenfassung

Building Node Applications with MongoDB and Backbone Mike Wilson

The enthusiasm behind Node doesn't just reflect the promise of server-side JavaScript. Developers also have the potential to create elegant applications with this open source framework that are much easier to maintain. Follow author Mike Wilson as he builds a social network application oriented toward real-time updates. Through this, the book shows you how to build complete applications that combine the strengths of Node, the MongoDB scalable storage solution, and the Backbone toolkit for clean application design in the browser. Gain examples of all three tools in real development situations Learn how to build clean, manageable code Use a complete application toolkit from start to finish, server to client Understand the power of JavaScript in a variety of contexts

Über Mike Wilson

Mike has had the privilege of working with some of the largest and most influential brands in the world, including Disney, Microsoft and McDonalds. He has years of web development experience, designing and building everything from small business sites to large MMO server clusters hosting millions of players. In his free time Mike maintains his personal blog (http://www.alwaysgetbetter.com) and contributes to forums and experiments with emerging frameworks and software. Mike lives in Vancouver with his wife and their three children.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Building Node Applications with MongoDB and Backbone Mike Wilson
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
O'Reilly Media
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