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31 Decrees of Blessing for your Work Life Os Hillman

31 Decrees of Blessing for your Work Life von Os Hillman

31 Decrees of Blessing for your Work Life Os Hillman

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31 Decrees of Blessing for your Work Life Zusammenfassung

31 Decrees of Blessing for your Work Life Os Hillman

Bring the power of God to your workplace. The majority of our waking hours are spent at work, but few of us understand how to use the Word of God in our professional lives to help us succeed and have impact. '31 Decrees of Blessing for Your Work Life' provides thirty one covenant promises for you to decree and claim over your company, team members, community, and family. Each day includes - an encouraging devotion based upon a spiritual truth found in Scripture - ten empowering decrees to root you in the certainty of God's blessings - relevant Bible passages to enrich your understanding, and - an activation to mobilize your faith. Learn to speak blessings over your professional life and uphold Christian values in the workplace as you enjoy both biblical and modern-day stories of people living out Scripture and manifesting God's promises on earth.

Über Os Hillman

Os Hillman is an internationally recognized speaker on the subject of faith at work. He is the founder and executive director of Marketplace Leaders Ministries, an organization whose purpose is to help men and women discover and fulfill God's complete purposes through their work and view their work as ministry. He is the author of eleven books and a daily workplace email devotional, which has over 160,000 daily subscribers worldwide. Os has been featured on CNBC, NBC, LA Times, New York Times, and many other national media as a spokesperson on faith at work. Os is also founder and director of

Zusätzliche Informationen

31 Decrees of Blessing for your Work Life Os Hillman
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
BroadStreet Publishing
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