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No More Christian Nice Guy Paul Coughlin

No More Christian Nice Guy von Paul Coughlin

No More Christian Nice Guy Paul Coughlin

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No More Christian Nice Guy Zusammenfassung

No More Christian Nice Guy: When Being Nice--Instead Good--Hurts Men, Women and Children Paul Coughlin

Christian nice guys believe in a gentle Jesus meek and mild. Coughlin sets the record straight: a complete man who can be both gentle and bold is Jesus. Recovering nice guy Paul Coughlin points the way for all men who yearn to live a life of boldness and conviction - like Jesus. Using humorous examples from his own life, powerful and poignant stories, and vivid examples from contemporary culture, Coughlin shows how he learned to say no to the nice guy syndrome. After all, Christian nice guys aren't always so nice. In the name of appearing Christian by being agreeable, they can lie, keep secrets, manipulate, duck responsibility, and much more. Using the biblical model of Christ as his example of a real man, Coughlin shows men how to become both gentle and bold. A powerful challenge and a hopeful message that elevates the true biblical model of manhood above prevailing views in the church and contemporary culture, this important book helps men discover who they are in Christ and how to live for Him.

Über Paul Coughlin

Paul Coughlin writes for a Hollywood public relations firm and has a talk show on Christian radio in southern Oregon. He's been interviewed by C-SPAN, The New York Times, and radio and television programs across America. Paul's articles appear in magazines including New Man, Relevant, Faithworks, and Ministries Today, and he's the author of Secrets, Plots, & Hidden Agendas: What You Don't Know About Conspiracy Theories. A former Christian nice guy, Paul is happily married and the father of two boys and a girl. The Coughlin family lives in Oregon.

Zusätzliche Informationen

No More Christian Nice Guy: When Being Nice--Instead Good--Hurts Men, Women and Children Paul Coughlin
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Baker Publishing Group
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