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More Words That Sell Richard Bayan

More Words That Sell von Richard Bayan

More Words That Sell Richard Bayan

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In highly competitive, quick-hitting marketplace, choosing the correct words is vital to the success of your message. This title provides you with more than 3,500 high-powered, high-profit words, phrases, and slogans that have proven their ability to hold readers' attention as you deliver your message and to persuade them to respond.

More Words That Sell Zusammenfassung

More Words That Sell Richard Bayan

More than 3,500 words, phrases, and slogans guaranteed to hit your target with power and precision - every time! In today's highly competitive, quick-hitting marketplace, choosing the correct words is vital to the success of your message - far too vital to be left to chance! "More Words That Sell" provides you with more than 3,500 high-powered, high-profit words, phrases, and slogans that have proven their ability to hold readers' attention as you deliver your message and to persuade them to respond. Taking up where the bestselling "Words That Sell" left off, "More Words That Sell" supplies you with all-new tools for fine-tuning your copy and hitting the hot buttons of your target audience.Nearly thirty alphabetically arranged, special-purpose categories help you quickly locate exactly the words you need to: make readers feel your message instead of just read it; add muscle to your copy by using powerful verbs and adjectives; find the right words and phrases for niche markets; boost results by using words that appeal to basic human needs; invite interaction from website visitors - and bring those visitors back; and, create a favorable impression with resumes and cover letters as well as with general business correspondence such as reports and memos; use colors, fragrances, sounds, and textures for vivid sensory appeal. Ask any veteran writer and you'll be told that one word can make or break a message.Finding that word under the pressure of a tight deadline, however, can be difficult if not impossible. Let "More Words That Sell" help you choose the words that will boost the effectiveness and profitability of your message - whether you're promoting products, ideas, your business, or yourself.

Über Richard Bayan

Richard Bayan is a freelance writer who spent over two decades as an award-winning advertising copywriter and copy chief. He is the author of the bestselling Words that Sell, The Cynic's Dictionary, and more than 150 online columns and essays.

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More Words That Sell Richard Bayan
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McGraw-Hill Education - Europe
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