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50 Works of Irish Art You Need to Know Sighle Bhreathnach-Lynch

50 Works of Irish Art You Need to Know von Sighle Bhreathnach-Lynch

50 Works of Irish Art You Need to Know Sighle Bhreathnach-Lynch

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Ireland's incredible artistic heritage is celebrated in this entertaining, enlightening book. From the Newgrange kerbstone to Francis Bacon's studio, Bhreathnach-Lynch takes us through a history of Irish art in 50 works, celebrating each along the way.

50 Works of Irish Art You Need to Know Zusammenfassung

50 Works of Irish Art You Need to Know Sighle Bhreathnach-Lynch

In 50 Works of Irish Art You Need to Know Dr Sighle Bhreathnach-Lynch, former Curator of Irish Art at the National Gallery of Ireland, expertly selects key works of Irish art that simply must be seen. In sharing the unique stories behind each work, she provides a glimpse into the artist's world, encouraging us to take a closer look - to really see and understand each work of art.

This book includes some of Ireland's most popular talents, such as Paul Henry, Harry Clarke and Jack B. Yeats. All of the works are in public collections and available to view throughout the country. Enjoy a fun and practical art history lesson from one of Ireland's well-known art historians.

'Sighle Bhreathnach-Lynch's book is the perfect travelling companion for those setting out on a journey of discovery through the world of Irish Art'

Robert Ballagh

'Elegantly tells the story of Ireland, from first settlers to our current century, through 50 judiciously chosen artworks and objects that show the range and beauty of our artistic past. The marriage of image and insightful text paints a vivid picture of the complexity and diversity of our history.'

James Hanley

Über Sighle Bhreathnach-Lynch

Dr Sighle Bhreathnach-Lynch is an art historian, writer and former Curator of Irish Art at the National Gallery of Ireland (1998-2009).

Although her fascination with art began as a child, Sighle originally studied languages at UCD and later the Montessori education method. It wasn't until the age of 40 that she followed her true passion and returned to college to study for a diploma in the History of European Art as a mature student. Having won a scholarship in the diploma, Sighle studied art history at undergraduate level and went on to complete a PhD. She then became a lecturer at UCD, as well as a regular guide and speaker at the National Gallery of Ireland.

In 1998 she was appointed as the first curator dedicated exclusively to the Irish collections in the National Gallery's history. She retired 11 years later and continues to research, publish and lecture on all aspects of Irish art. She lives in Dalkey.

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50 Works of Irish Art You Need to Know Sighle Bhreathnach-Lynch
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