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The Midnight Eye Guide to New Japanese Film Tom Mes

The Midnight Eye Guide to New Japanese Film von Tom Mes

The Midnight Eye Guide to New Japanese Film Tom Mes

Zustand - Wie Neu
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The hottest directors, their coolest films ... A complete guide to today's Japanese movie renaissance

The Midnight Eye Guide to New Japanese Film Zusammenfassung

The Midnight Eye Guide to New Japanese Film Tom Mes

An eye-opening portrait of a vibrant film culture, The Midnight Eye Guide to New Japanese Film is the most comprehensive study of the Japanese filmmaking scene yet written. Tom Mes and Jasper Sharp explore the astounding resurgence of Japanese cinema, both live action and animated, profiling 19 contemporary Japanese filmmakers, from the well-known (Kitano, Miike, Miyazaki) to the up-and-coming (Naomi Kawase, Satoshi Kon, Shinya Tsukamoto) and reviewing 97 of their recent films. With 100+ images from behind and in front of the camera, this is a book any film lover will savor. Foreword by Hideo Nakata, director of Ring. Tom Mes (in Paris) and Jasper Sharp (in Tokyo) co-edit Midnighteye.com, the premier English-language website on Japanese cinema.

Über Tom Mes

Tom Mes is the founder and co-editor of MidnightEye.com, the world's leading English-language publication on contemporary Japanese cinema. His work has appeared in such magazines as Fangoria, Impact, Japan Magazine and Skrien. Jasper Sharp is co-editor of the premier English language film website on Japanese cinema, MidnightEye.com. He is currently at work on Behind the Pink Curtain, a documentary about Japanese erotic film. Director of the original Japanese The Ring series and director of an upcoming horror/suspense film with Sarah Michelle Gellar

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Midnight Eye Guide to New Japanese Film Tom Mes
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Stone Bridge Press
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